Happy Thanksgiving US.

Happy Thanksgiving to All My American Friends & Followers

Although this is not a Holiday in the UK, I am very Thankful for my family; DH, Eldest,  Girlfriend & Bump, Youngest & Girlfriend & Coco.  Our extended Family, Judy & Lars, Elaine, Jackie & Neil.  My very good friends Jayne and Family, Sue & Molly & Susan & Tara.  Our friends who have become our Family; Dave & Carol, Anne & Chris, Val & Dave, Chris & Pete, Pat & Alan, Tricia & Kevin.  Also Del & Tony and Helen & Ted, friends from work.

I hope those that do celebrate Thanksgiving have a lovely Day and long weekend and don’t get too tired shopping all the Black Friday deals!!!

Hugs & Love, Susie xx

2 thoughts on “Happy Thanksgiving US.

  1. farmquilter

    Thank you so much, Susie!! Even though the UK doesn’t have a specified “Thanksgiving”, you can create your own, any time of the year, and use it as an excuse to gather with those you love to be thankful for them! Tara and I will be celebrating together.

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