
Well that was summer done although we are due for some warm days next week which always seems to be the case now, once the children are back in school which is next week for us.  I used to hate the Boys going back to school as I loved them being off and having that relaxed time with them rather than the routines of school and all their activities starting again. 

The picture above was when they were both at the village Primary School

The above one is when they were both at the Senior School!

Don’t they look happy – NOT!!!!

I have been working all day today so tomorrow will now be home jobs day and grocery shopping.  DH & Youngest are out on Sunday at a car show and have things to do so I wil be getting some more jobs done.  I am also hoping to do some gardening tomorrow to get things tidy now that Autumn is here.  Can anyone tell me where the weeks are flying to?  Cannot believe that we are now at the bottom end of the year and it will be Christmas before we know it! 

Have a wonderful weekend you lovely lot. 

Hugs & Love Susie & Coco xx

2 thoughts on “Friday!

  1. farmquilter

    Quite happy to have had a cooler summer here, but my Eldest had an August in the triple digits all month, with it getting to 111 (44C) and they have some humidity which makes it much more uncomfortable. I’m always sorry to see summer go, but do enjoy the feel and smells of autumn, especially in October. Time does fly!!

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