Coco & Honey!

Last Saturday evening Puppy Honey came round to see Coco for the first time!  They both did really well together and Coco remembered she is still only a puppy herself!!!  Unfortunately it had been raining all day and was still like that so they were not able to go out and play in the garden.  Typical British summer weather!

Coco had managed to wear Honey out so she went to asleep under the breakfast bar!

Coco investigating Honey, as you can see we were all around just in case things did not go well.  You can also see the wet floor as well from all the rain.

Honey watching Coco with Eldest.

Happy Friday Everyone. Have a Wonderful Weekend. 

Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx

2 thoughts on “Coco & Honey!

  1. farmquilter

    What fun they must have had!! Coco did a great job of wearing Honey out! So great that they get along and will become fast friends!

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