Coco’s Corner.

I am not very well!  Mom thinks I have been eating something I shouldn’t have again!  So I am feeling very sorry for myself today!

Mom says I had better get well soon as she needs to sort out my things to take away on my vacation which is coming up quickly!  I got to go with Mom and Dad last year and that was when I hurt my leg and had to have my operation, so they decided I would go on my own vacation to the Kennels this year!!!!   It is the same place that Angel Treacle & Kelly used to go to and it is the same family who run it still.  I have already stayed there for a long weekend and loved every minute of it!

I do know that Mom has bought me some new toys to take with me!!!!

Our weather has gone from being nice and warm to horribly wet and quite cool.  Mom says everyone else seems to be sweltering in lots of heat and we in the UK seem to have gone back to March!!!  It has been raining here all day today and it is supposed to be like this for the rest of the week.  I hate getting my paws wet!

Mom says she is also going to get me a spa appointment for the week after everyone gets back from vacation, so I can have a bath to freshen me up!!! I do like going to the spa now.

I hope you are having a wonderful Woofy Tuesday.  Coco xx

2 thoughts on “Coco’s Corner.

  1. Duke – Northford, Connecticut
    Molly the Airedale

    Oh no. We hope you feel better soon so you will have fun on your own vacation, Coco!
    We’ll trade weather with you. We have humid and yucky and we would LOVE to be cool again like it is in March!

  2. farmquilter

    Poor Coco, never a good thing when you eat something you shouldn’t and it makes you sick!! Hope you get to feeling better soon! Enjoy your holiday at the kennel while mom and dad are gone…don’t get hurt again! I’ll keep the heat…it was too cold in March, April and May this year!!

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