Susie’s Friday Book Club.

I think someone is stealing days from me!  I honestly don’t know where the time goes.  Anyway I know it is Monday but I did not want to wait until this Friday to do this month’s Book Club so here it is.

For those of you who do not like horror or gruesome books then this one is not for you!  I have read five of Chris Carter’s books now and loved them. 

Detective Robert Hunter and his partner are called in the early hours of the morning to a murder scene at a home in LA.  The pretty young woman who owns the home is inside but is dead in the most heinous of ways, something which no one at the scene has ever seen before, even the medical examier and her team are horrified. 

There is no obvious means of forced entry so did the murderer know the victim?  Why is the death so horrible.  Robert starts to investigate but starts to run in to problems straight way.  Will he be able to find the killer before he does this again?

Because I have been so busy over the last few weeks I am only on Chapter Fifteen of this book, but I love it! 


Now don’t faint but I have actually managed to catch up with ALL my jobs; work, home, swimming everything!  I have been working my little socks off to get it all done but I have managed it.  That’s not to say of course that the jobs don’t keep happening, like the washing and ironing, but I am up to date now!!!

Tomorrow Jayne and I are going out for lunch for our Birthdays so can’t wait, i think it will be my reward for getting everything done!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have a wonderful week you lovely lot. 

Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xxxx

2 thoughts on “Susie’s Friday Book Club.

  1. farmquilter

    Happy birthday lunch to you both!! You always have a fun time with Jayne! Glad you have caught up with everything…maybe you can find time to sneak in some sewing and reading time!!

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