Another Week of Chaos!

You know you get up on a Monday morning and think ah a new week and before you know it, it is Friday night and I feel like I have been pulled through a hedge backwards!  Last week was like that for me.

Jayne and I went to The Hurt Arms for lunch last Tuesday, food was good but the place itself was not cosy!  I know this sounds a bit odd but some restaurants have a real cosy feel and you feel comfortable in it and others it does not work.  The last few places we have been to have felt that.  Not sure we would go back.

On Friday May 19th we went for dinner here with our friends and the food was great.  This place has a cosy atmosphere and Jayne and I are going here for our Birthday lunch next month!  The food was great.

Eldest was busy last week with his volunteer Fire Fighting on an exercise with other emergency services in Derbyshire.  It was a long day but he learnt a lot.

Youngest is very busy with his new business and they have also now found a workshop so they can store things so they have been busy sorting that out.

DH, besides our business, is extremely busy with the Swimming Club and also commentating for other Clubs/County Events.  This coming weekend is another three day Bank Holiday for us and he is away in Liverpool with the Club’s Life Saving Section for an event for Clubs from all over the UK.  So he will be going up on Friday and back late Sunday.  Monday has been earmarked to help Eldest move some of his things!  Needless to say not a lot of home jobs are going to get done again!!!!!

I haven’t decided what I am going to do over the weekend yet, although it will be weather dependent as well.  It is supposed to be nice and sunny but that could change.

Madam had a bit of an issue over the weekend with her leg that was repaired last year!

As you know she stands up at the back door, into our garden, just having a look at what is happening.  Unfortunatley there is a cat who decides it is a good idea to sit on the top step and stare at her so she has a bark but has also now started jumping up.  Anyway Saturday evening we were upstairs and she was downstairs and doing this.  When DH got up on Sunday morning she was holding her leg up and not putting any weight on it!!!! 

He left early as he was commentating at a swimming event, so I decided to spend the morning sat at my desk as Coco would then get in her basket and rest. 

Anyway she did and it worked because by the time it was lunch and her biscuit she was fine again walking properly and putting weight on it!  It was such a relief as I thought we would be taking her to the vets this morning for an x-ray! 

Here she is resting!

She has had a stern talking to!

Today is the start of The Chelsea Flower Show.  As you know we went last year and were disappointed by the lack of flowers.  The above picture was taken in 2019 in The Great Pavillion and that was a glorious show.  You have to pay extra for the tickets for the show and it would have been an extra £290 plus your Membership of the RHS and I did not think it was worth it!  I will be watching on TV and you do get to see a lot more and see how it goes this year. 

I have also not booked to go to The Festival of Quilts either this year.  Again the tickets are quite expensive and I was again disappointed by last year’s show with lack of vendors, the fact that there were a lot of vendors there who had nothing to do with Quilting and the quilt competitions were not good either.  In fact I said that the same style of quilt wins each category every year, so I won’t be going!  I would sooner save my money and spent it on a visit to a quilt shop!

This week is a little quieter work wise so I will be able to get a lot done.  We have our Business Year End at the end of May so have to do extra jobs for that.  The weather is supposed to be warm and sunny so hopefully I can get curtains/blankets etc washed and out on the line too.  Have a wonderful week you lovely lot.

Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx

2 thoughts on “Another Week of Chaos!

  1. farmquilter

    I hope you have a sunny, warm weekend to get your jobs done it! Yesterday it poured for about 45 minutes then quit so the evening was lovely. Rain is such a rare event here that I didn’t even have an umbrella with me! So glad it stopped just when I needed to get out of my truck!! I’ve noticed that so many quilt shows have the same genre of quilts win every year. Makes me not want to go to them either.

  2. Duke – Northford, Connecticut
    Molly the Airedale

    I understand the cozy and friendly restaurants. They become favorites and you want to keep going back again and again, especially if the food is yummy.
    Good for you for not wanting to spend the money and be disappointed yet again. I would do the same. Good easy on that young leg, Coco. It has to get you around for a long time to come!

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