Friday Book Club – August 2022!

Yes terribly late with this, sorry!

When I am holiday I usually like to read “easy” books and I just love these stories. 

The Athena Public Library is holding an exhibition to celebrate the centenary of local Author Electra Barnes Cartwright, who agrees to make a rare public appearance which goes viral among her fans.  They start to descend on Athena and the more persistant ones try and get to see poor Electra before the event as they have heard of un-published manuscripts which would be worth a pretty penny. 

County Librarian, Charlie Harris, and his Maine Coon Cat, Diesel, try to keep order at the library but then the founder of the Electra Barnes Cartwright society is found murdered and things take a much darker turn with everyone suspecting each other as well as the over zealous fans.  Can Charlie and Diesel find out who did it before anything else happens!

I loved the book, it was an easy read and a good ending.

Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx

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