Miss Coco!

Miss Coco has had a very busy day, her first day at the Spa!!!  We now have an Airedale teenager!!!  She is still Miss Floof to us though!!!

Her legs have been cut very short, which we would normally have done in summer, to balance them up with her leg which was shaved for her Op.

She still has some baby floof on her nose!

This look says “you will never believe what they did to me today!”

Side view!

I am just going to sit down for a while!

You should have seen the look she gave me when I left her at the spa!  The lady who runs the business is very good and asked me to get her there early so she could spend some time with her and get her used to things.  When I collected her she said she was not very keen with the clippers around her head but that was only to be expected as it was her first visit!  She will be going again before Christmas.  As always we have a much smaller dog!!! 

She is now in her basket asleep, it has been a tiring day for a seven month old Puppy!!! 

Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx

2 thoughts on “Miss Coco!

  1. farmquilter

    Oh she looks so grown up!! So smart with her Aire cut. Definitely a teen now…soon to be an adult! Amazing with a trip to the spa will do. Maybe we need to go to the spa more often as well!

  2. Duke – Northford, Connecticut
    Molly the Airedale

    You look beautiful, Coco, and I love your perky ears! The first time is always the hardest as you don’t know what to expect. Next time will be easier for you.

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