Where are the Weeks Going?

I just think that I have caught up and back on track and then a week disappears in a flurry of work, home jobs and everything in between and I haven’t done a post!

Last week DH and I were in Edinburgh and Glasgow for business.  Left on Tuesday and got back Friday!  (Edinburgh above, Glasgow below).

What I want to know is where September disappeared to?  I know the weeks and months go quickly but September didn’t even seem to stop in the middle and now we are into October!!! 

At the moment I seem to be bombared with things about Halloween and Christmas at the same time!  DH’s birthday is at the end of the month and I have no clue what to get him, although we are going out for dinner on his birthday. 

Although I did upset one friend by telling her that I have almost finished my Christmas shopping! 

Friday is Goose Fair night although they are forecasting heavy rain so we may not be going, but we will perhaps do a drive-by to see the lights and then sneak off for dinner.   Saturday will be a busy day and in the evening we have friends coming to dinner who missed out on our dinner in May as they were away  but it has taken until now to find a date.  I will try and remember to do pictures. 

Sunday is our first swimming club Championships at Alfreton LC, which is usually a good event as it is just our club and usually not too late a finish.  I also have plans to do some more baking as the ones I already made have been eaten!!

Coco is out and about!

She completed her six week crate rest, just in time to save her and I going insane!!! 

In DH’s truck on her way to the garage.

In the garden amongst all the leaves coming down.

Eldest looked after Coco whilst we were away last week and she spent the days with him at the garage.  Here she is in the office.

Having not been out and about and busy for a while over the weekend I think we managed to wear her out.  This was Monday morning, she has run out of charge!!!  She is going to have a busy few weeks as she is going for her first spa day next week as she is just so fluffy with her puppy coat and needs balancing up where they did the Op and also she cannot see because of her puppy floof on her face.  I am sure she is going to feel a lot better when she comes back.  Then the following week will be her second x-ray to see how the leg is doing. 

Then for DH’s Birthday we are taking him down to London for the weekend as a treat.  Before we know it, it will be Halloween and we will be welcoming November in!!!! 

I am still working on sorting out the pictures I took at the quilt show and will get them added asap, as well as some other quilting I have been doing. 

I hope you lovely lot are all doing well and Happy October.

Hugs & Love, Susie & Coco xx

2 thoughts on “Where are the Weeks Going?

  1. farmquilter

    So glad Coco is free!!! Can’t wait to see her after her first spa appointment – she’ll look so smart!! Going to London for DH’s birthday will be lovely! I hope you have a fabulous time and I know you’ll finish up your Christmas shopping whilst you are there. Great pictures of Glasgow and Edinburgh – one of these years I’ll get there!

  2. Duke – Northford, Connecticut
    Molly the Airedale

    The days, weeks and months are flying by! Coco is so adorable and she’s getting so big! Fingers and paws are crossed that her x-rays show great improvement!

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