
So another week flew by and we were all busy!   Monday last week I was sorting out things for the weekend just gone, as well as grocery shopping and getting ready for DH and I being away in London.  Tuesday we headed off to London leaving the Boys to look after Miss Coco who had a terrific time with them whilst we were away.  We had a business meeting on the Tuesday but Wednesday we had tickets to go to The Chelsea Flower Show. The first time we went was in 2019 and really enjoyed it.  However we were quite disappointed this year as all the designers had seem to have forgotten it was a Flower Show!!!

Warning Picture Heavy Post!!!!!

All of the above pictures are of the Main Show Gardens and as you can probably tell, they are all alike.  In fact they had all gone for a theme of re-wilding and I really feel that they are not gardens.  Also you can see there is a lack of flowers! 

The most flowers and colour were on the Vendors’ stands and the best one was the above; a company selling greenhouses!  Obviously they had incorporated the Platinum Jubilee theme. 

The following were all taken in The Grand Pavilion where the stands were by various Nurseries/Garden Centres etc.  Again not much colour.

My most favourite of all Cottage Garden Flowers, Delphiniums.  I just wish we were able to grow them at home but the slugs and snails just love them and nothing we do stops them!

This Garden had Doctor Who’s Tardis on it!

Another Cottage Garden favourite of mine, Fox Gloves.  Now the slugs and snails don’t eat these so I am trying to encourage as many different fox gloves to grow in our garden.

Beautiful Lily Of The Valley plants.  My Grandfather had them growing under the fruit trees in his garden and the smell was wonderful when they were out but again they will not grow in our garden at all!

Another stand of Delphiniums.

This was another Vendor’s Garden and was my favourite.

This was the most colourful of all the show gardens but very much still on the wild side.

Always when Chelsea Flower Show is on the Shops of Chelsea join in and their Flowers were amazing.  Pictures are from The Chelsea in Bloom website.

I will show you some more pictures of London tomorrow.  Will we go back to Chelsea Flower Show next year? Not sure.  The whole point of Chelsea is for Designers to show you spectacular gardens and for you to be able to take a part of it and incorporate it into your garden, slugs and snails willing.  In fact we have more flowers in our garden at the moment than Chelsea had!!  Here are a few I took before we went away.

My Chive Flowers came out whilst we were away. 

Our pink Rhododendron is in full flower.

Our miniture Bell Rhododendron.

The Weigela

The Poppies have done well this year.

The Blue Bells and Geums have also done well.

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and a good week to come.  We have an extra long Bank Holiday weekend this coming weekend for The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.  I will be back tomorrow with more pictures of our visit to London.

Hugs & Love, Susie xx

2 thoughts on “Busy!

  1. Duke – Northford, Connecticut
    Molly the Airedale

    Love the red lupines and the delphiniums are so gorgeous as are the foxgloves! Our rhododendrons are in bloom now and the lily of the valley are all done. My mom loved them as do I. I am loving the flower overload!

  2. farmquilter

    My roses are blooming now, they beat my iris!! Not too many flowers here in Nevada. I’ve never had to deal with slugs and snails…too dry where I live. Gorgeous flowers! I admit I like the wild flowers and wish I could fill in places on the farm with wild flowers because I am just not a person who likes to weed!!

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