Susie’s Friday Book Club.

Happy Friday Everyone!  I hope you all have had a good week and a great weekend to come. 

As it is Book Club Friday here is the book I am currently reading.  I have read all of Jeffery Deaver’s books and even had the good fortune to attend a book reading by him of one of his books and get the book signed.  Over the last two years I think those are the things I have missed the most attending Book signings!!!

Anyway “The Midnight Lock” is the new Lincoln Rhyme thriller.  Lincoln is in court testifying against a hardened criminal who always seems to get away with it when his evidence is called into question.  Subsequently the criminal is found not guilty because of the evidence given by Lincoln and the Brass decide to take away Lincoln’s consultancy for the New York PD. 

Meanwhile Women are waking up in their locked apartments knowing that someone has been in whilst they slept.  He moves their things around, drinks or eats something and then leaves a copy of the local paper in their underwear drawer.  So far none of the women have been attacked but all our freaked out, despite them having complex locks on their doors.  The Press have named him The Locksmith, which he revels in and he is now looking for the next lock to pick.

Meanwhile the criminal who escaped jail is on the trail of Lincoln and Amelia, he wants to kill them both, sooner rather than later!

So far I am on Chapter 32 and really enjoying it.  If you have not read of any Mr Deaver’s work give them a go, they are all different and very, very well written.


DH is out all weekend again so I am going to be doing some quilting again!  I hope your weekend plans have some fun in them.  Have a great one. 

Hugs & Love, Susie & Treacle xx


2 thoughts on “Susie’s Friday Book Club.

  1. farmquilter

    I’ve never been to a book signing!! Must look into it! Saturday, #2 and 3 of her neighbor families are having a BBQ in the street (7 or more kids) and her hubby will be BBQing meat for his famous tacos!! The next day we are driving about an hour away to have dinner with the grand’s other grandmother, so that should be fun! I might leave here some time next week.

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