Busy week again but at least tomorrow is Friday!  

It’s Throwback Thursday today and I have been looking through some of the old pictures and thought I would show you a selection.

Goose Fair 2019, taken from the Big Wheel DH and I were on.  Slightly blurry!

Eldest, DH and Youngest waiting for the Dodgems to start.

Youngest and I on the Cyclone

The Boys outside Parliament in 2005.

The view over London from the restaurant in October 2020.

The top of our garden in October last year, slightly misty and very cold!

Treacle and her football from three years ago in October.

It is cold again today and very rainy so we are definitely getting into Autumn!  Hoping that the weekend is going to be okay at some point to get a few final jobs done in the garden before the weather gets too bad.  Also have some home jobs to do as well. 

Happy Thursday everybody!

Hugs & Love, Susie & Treacle xx

2 thoughts on “#TBT.

  1. farmquilter

    Goose Fair looks like such fun! It would be fun to be able to visit the UK for a full year and pack as much into the year as possible…but I know there would still be things I would miss! Definitely cooler here but still sunny and dry – we could use the rain. Hope your weather cooperates so you can finish in the garden this weekend. What do you do with the building at the top of your garden?

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