
Here are some pictures of our work in the garden yesterday.  DH got the grass cut which always makes the garden look so much better and also got up the leaves that had fallen.  Of course a load more of fallen since!!!!

The table and chairs are still out at the moment but we did put the umbrella away as it was nice and dry, which was a good job as it rained all night and most of this morning.  We will put the furniture away next week after I have given it a clean.

The vegetable bed has been cleaned and tidied and I wil put some winter greens in, when I visit the garden centre for the Winter pansies. 

The pots waiting to be filled and I swept the patio stones.  I clipped the box bush in the top left of the picture and made it look tidy and we just now need to trim some of the plants before Winter.


Next time we need to tackle the plants on the right hand side as they need tidying!

Busy sorting things out at home now as the weather has been up and down today including rain, wind and sun!!! 

Happy Sunday everybody. 

Hugs & Love, Susie & Treacle xx

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