Susie’s Friday Book Club on Monday.

Sorry for the radio silence last week due to being very busy with work and other things, so I thought I would do Friday Book Club on Literary Monday!  See there is a link.  

I have not long started this Stephen King book, you know I am a huge fan, and it seems he is back to his best although it does not appear to be one of his creepy ones.  However it is his usual good writing.  

Tim Jamieson, former cop, is on a plane to New York when the passengers are asked to give up a seat for law enforcement.  No one wants to but on a whim Tim leaves the plane and decides to hitch to New York.  He eventually comes to a small town in the middle of nowhere, where he finds a job being a Night Knocker and gets it and settles in to small town life for a while.

One of its residents is young Luke Ellis, a child prodigy, who is due to go to two colleges at the age of 12.  Just before he is due to go three dark figures break into his house at night and abduct him and take him to The Institute.  Here he meets other children similar to himself but what exactly do they want from him?

That is as far as I have got in the book but am reading fast!!!!!  

I won’t bore you all with the various coming and goings of the family over the last week, I don’t think you would probably believe me if I did, needless to say it involved cars, vans, backwards and forwards with work, children, horses, dogs and everything in between!!!  We are hoping that this week is going to be a little calmer, one can hope!!!   

I will tell you all a little bit tomorrow. I hope you all had a great weekend.

Hugs & Love, Susie xx

2 thoughts on “Susie’s Friday Book Club on Monday.

  1. farmquilter

    This sounds like a Stephen King book I could read!! When reality is shifted one degree and it is scary real…like Dead Zone…I can read it but not when I’m alone because it just seems like it could really happen!!

  2. Duke – Northford, Connecticut
    Molly the Airedale

    I can’t read scary books or I’d be looking over my shoulder constantly and not be able to sleep. BTW, Molly is not a watch dog. She would welcome any stranger into our home.

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