Friday Findings.

I knew this was going to happen, especially as we did not get to go away at Easter but spent the time decorating.  I now have two books from my Book Year with Heywood Hill to read!!!!  I also have a rather packed To Read shelf already as Eldest caught me up with the Clive Cussler books I have missed!!!  I love nothing but reading for hours when I can but at the moment we still have quite a few jobs to do around our home, so I am reading when I can!!!!  Here are March & April’s books.

Normally as I am at home all the time I get to open all the boring post which of course is usually bills so it is really nice to get these parcels, it’s like having your Birthday or Christmas once a month!!

I am going to get all my normal jobs done today and then clear our dining room so we are able to start painting tomorrow and Sunday and get everything put back and tidy on Monday.  Well it’s a plan!!! 

It was the Duke & Duchess of Cambridge’s tenth wedding anniversary yesterday and I remember we were in Scotland for the Easter holidays and we all watched it.  When you look back over those ten years and see what has happened it really does focus your mind on what can happen in a decade.  

We were staying at Foulis Castle, seat of Clan Munro. We had a wonderful two weeks and the weather was amazing.   Corinne & Gordon came round for dinner and it was so nice we played baseball in the fields after.

The window overlooking the Courtyard.

The kitchen with the old baking oven and the log burner.  I used this chair a lot whilst we were there, reading of course. 

I hope you have a wonderful weekend whatever you are up and I will be back on Tuesday, no doubt with paint in my hair!!! I am a messy painter!!!!! 

Hugs & Love, Susie xx


2 thoughts on “Friday Findings.

  1. farmquilter

    What a beautiful place to spend two weeks!! Funny, but I don’t remember ever going on vacation for two weeks…one week, three weeks or six weeks (being retired is wonderful), sure, but never two!! I also watched their wedding…so lovely! Happy looking couple – Catherine has certainly make the transition to RF seamlessly and is a great asset to the family. I’m looking forward to seeing what your dining room looks like when you are finished!!

  2. Duke – Northford, Connecticut
    Molly the Airedale

    Foulis Castle is just gorgeous! What a treat to be able to stay there! The chair in front of the fireplace looks like the perfect spot to spend lots of time.
    Happy Anniversary to the Duke & Duchess of Cambridge.
    Have a lovely weekend, Miss Susie!

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