21 Years Young!

Youngest – 21 Years Old This Week!

Now where did that go?!!!!!!

He Was Always Thoughtful!

Even when taking his Thomas The Tank Engine yogurts out of the fridge, hiding under the kitchen chairs and trying each one but then being so tired falling asleep under there!!!! Age 2

Of course you have to have a partner in crime with you at all times!

6th Birthday, Thomas is still favourite!

Me and my Dog!

He always liked to Act! Aged 10

Including “Victoria” When he was 17 And “Doctors” at 18!

He does clean up pretty well though!

First car aged 17

Girlfriends! They get you to do things that well……..!!!!

They are worth it though!

But you ALWAYS still need that Partner in Crime!!!!!

Lockdown Birthday 2020!!!!!!

Who cares it’s Lockdown we can still celebrate at home!!!! As you can see.

Girlfriend’s and my interpretation of a Land Rover Cake!!!!! It took a while and it might look like a Disney “Cars” version of a Land Rover but Youngest loves it! Happy 21st Birthday Youngest – We love you Lots!

Hugs & Big Love from Mom, Dad, Eldest, Girlfriend & Treacle xxxxx

4 thoughts on “21 Years Young!

  1. farmquilter

    Happy Birthday, Youngest!!! Looks like the celebration was fabulous and that cake was the bomb!!! You and Girlfriend did a great job on the cake!

  2. Duke – Northford, Connecticut
    Molly the Airedale

    Happy 21st Birthday, Youngest! Your cake is just fabulous, as we knew that it would be! We loved seeing all of the photos as the years roll by way too fast.

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