Mondays & Rain.

It has been raining and blowing a gale the whole weekend so outside jobs were a no go! We did get a few jobs done inside, but with the swimming situation time is quite short! I am hoping next weekend we will get the outside jobs done.

I did okay with my work jobs and keeping up to date with things so I am half way there!!! We had a full house over the weekend with Eldest, Youngest and Girlfriend for dinner every night, which was lovely.

This is the first time having to use the new editor in WordPress because they like to change things regularly and not for the better and force you to use it! Well so far nothing is working properly! I cannot get the colour to stay the same, the justify doesn’t work and goodness how I am supposed to sort out the pictures so this may take a while. Really don’t need this when I have umpteen other things to do!

I really hate you WordPress!

I will try and sort it out by the end of the week!

Hugs & Love, Susie xx

2 thoughts on “Mondays & Rain.

  1. farmquilter

    Just like other sites online, they feel like they need to constantly be changing things even when they were working just fine the way they were!! Makes me so mad!!! Sorry you are soggy…hope that changes for the coming weekend, but it was great to have all the kids there for dinners all weekend!!

  2. Duke – Northford, Connecticut
    Molly the Airedale

    Blogger changed their format and so did facebook. Why can’t they just leave well-enough alone! It can be so frustrating! grrrrrrrrrrrrr We hope the sun shines for you today☺

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