Tuesday – Sun Day!

Who can believe that we have a few days where it is going to be really warm again!  The last hurrah of Summer before Autumn really arrives.  I just hope we are able to get the jobs done in the garden whilst it is nice, there is still a lot to do but at this point I am just taking them one at a time.  Otherwise I think I might just get in a tiz with all the lists I have been writing!

We are at swimming again tonight, tomorrow, Thursday, Friday and Saturday morning and it is getting to be quite boring for DH and I.  Our Boys don’t swim any more and really when you don’t have a vested interest in the pool it really is not good.   We will be dropping the number of helpers down to two on poolside and hopefully be able to give people more time off, especially as it looks like we will be doing this until Christmas at least.

I did get some quilting done whilst we were away and now need to get on with that, so I am trying to organise things so I have some time at the weekend hopefully to do it, along with all the other things I want to get done.  How do I get more time in a day, anyone know!!!!!!!!!!

I don’t know about anyone else but I have a terrible time breaking in new shoes/trainers/boots!  Consquently I hate it having to buy new ones but it has got to the point where I need new trainers for the pool, new boots for winter and new shoes for going out.  No matter how well made they are or expensive or not they always rub my feet and I end up with blisters on my heels!  It is because we all have very narrow feet in our family and therefore shoes never seem to fit properly.  I have bought some new trainers so I will have plasters on my heels by the end of the week!!!!

Treacle is enjoying the last of the summer sunshine outside. 

Happy Tuesday everyone.

Hugs & Love, Susie xx

2 thoughts on “Tuesday – Sun Day!

  1. farmquilter

    It is definitely time for you and hubby to pass the baton to other parents in the swimming community. You have done more than your fair share of volunteering there!! Have you ever considered getting shoes made for you? I know they are expensive, but it would certainly save you from foot pain! Perhaps not for trainers, but for boots and dress shoes, it might be an option for you. I am lucky, that while my feet are narrower than most, I don’t have problems with new, well-made shoes. I always buy the same brand of trainers so I don’t have problems with them either. Glad you are getting a bit more of summer…yesterday we were at 97 and today we expect temps in the low 70’s!!! Wyoming and Colorado are getting up to a foot of snow!! We could use the moisture and cooler temps to help fight the fires that are destroying the west. A small town (300 people) about 70 miles east of the farm lost 80% of the homes and businesses yesterday to a fire that swept through. Some of the fires in Washington are arson, but I don’t know what started the other fires…probably high winds taking down power lines that spark them.

  2. Duke – Northford, Connecticut
    Molly the Airedale

    We have a warm humid day here today and tomorrow is supposed to rain and still be humid. I am so tired of humid. I am SO ready for autumn crisp and cooler temps and for them to STAY!
    I don’t have narrow feet but my mother did. She always went to a specialty shoe store and paid quite a bit more but you have to wear shoes that are comfortable that don’t hurt your feet.

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