The Wednesday Wag.


I am in trouble today.  Youngest came yesterday for a little while and I was playing with him and a stick and Mom thinks I have hurt my mouth with it (!) as I was not keen on eating my breakfast this morning until Dad put some water on my biscuits!!!!  It’s not my fault!

I have also been terrorising the baby Magpies which are now in our garden!!!  They come down off the fence to find worms and things and I stalk them and run at them and they fly back onto the fence, but don’t leave!!!!!

It is drizzly rain today so I won’t be spending too much time outside!!!  Rain and I don’t go together. 

Mom says I need an Airecut soon as I am getting fluffy again and she had better get me done just in case another Lockdown happens, whatever one of those is!!!!

I am waiting for the Boys and Dad to get home so we can play!!!

I hope you are having a very happy woofy Wednesday.

Treacle xx


Today, in a normal year, would have been the start of the school summer holidays!  Six weeks of no timetables, no having to be up early and no homework!!!  I used to love the first day of summer holidays with the Boys and usually the first day off would be a PJ day for the boys!  Of course the weather was usually a bit iffy and true to form it is rainy today!!!

This year, of course, has not been the same at all and a lot of the children have been off since March so they have had extra long break, although they were supposed to be home schooling.  I am sure if the Boys were still at school we would have been doing school work first thing in the morning and then they could have the afternoon to themselves, it is certainly what we did with homework if they had any over the holidays!!! 

Anyway I hope they all have a good summer.

Happy Wednesday.

Hugs & Love, Susie xx

2 thoughts on “The Wednesday Wag.

  1. Duke – Northford, Connecticut
    Molly the Airedale

    Oh no – we hope your mouth feels better SOON, Treacle! We just love the photo of you at the top of the stairs waiting for the boys and your dad to come home.

  2. farmquilter

    Poor Treacle!! You need something other than a stick to fetch!! Sticks seem to hurt you!! That beach sure looks inviting and makes me wish I was there!

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