Earth Day!


Yesterday it was Her Majesty’s 94th Birthday, Many Happy Returns Ma’am.

Today is Earth Day!  It has been a lovely warm day here in Derbyshire and I know many will say that it is because of Global Warming that we are having such a warm April but at the moment, during Lockdown, I am so grateful for the sunshine!

This week is National Secretaries’ Week!  Give your Secretary a “hug” (social distancing in mind of course!!!)

I have finished the big part of the Spring Cleaning, all I have left to do is clean the machines!!!  Sounds horrendous doesn’t it!!!  I mean the washing machine, tumble dryer, dishwasher, fridge, freezer and the oven!!!  Everything in the house has been washed, dusted and cleaned to within an inch of its life!!!!  I have even got all the curtains washed, ironed and put back up!!!! 

I can now get on with some nice jobs!!  I mean quilting and getting on with the Boys memory books and we still have two weeks of Lockdown to go!!!  I must say it will be interesting to see how we actually start to get back to normal.  There is so much going around about phased returns, so it definitely won’t be May 11th off we go and they still think we will have to still social distance so who knows how we will get back to normal if we ever do!  People are also saying that they may be scared to actually go out again after so long!!!!

We are due to have warm weather tomorrow, Friday and Saturday and then a little cooler again on Sunday so we will be able to get the garden done and DH and Eldest are going to have ago at tidying the garage and attic!!!  I will have to go around and photograph each room, garage, attic, drive, garden etc because I don’t think it will ever be like this again!!!!!!

I hope everyone is okay and coping with the situation.  Stay safe.

Hugs & Love, Susie xxx

Your Daily Treacle, Playing ball in the sunshine!!!! 

2 thoughts on “Earth Day!

  1. Duke – Northford, Connecticut
    Molly the Airedale

    You have been SuperBusy, Miss Susie. You are making my mom feel like a lazy slug☺
    I wish we could play ball together, Treacle! Happy Birthday to the Queen!

  2. farmquilter

    Treacle looks so happy to be in the garden in the sunshine!! Winter doesn’t want to let go here, but by Saturday we are to be close to 80!! This kind of wild swinging from one extreme to the other is quite normal here and we’ve come to expect it. Have you made many masks for everyone in the family? Here we have been told to expect that wearing masks and social distancing will be with us for a while, as part of the new “normal”. I just sent 6 to Daughter #3 in Oklahoma because she is required to wear a mask on the job. Daughter #1 is to be sending her some pipe cleaners to put in the nose area so she can make it conform to her nose and close the gaps – I didn’t have any and she had a bag full!! Daughter #1 was also making masks for Daughter #2! I love that my girls are all so close to each other, even though they are not close geographically! Daughter #1’s military unit has been activated, but I’m not sure what they will be doing. Today I’m taking boxes to the document shredders so I can hopefully get the garage cleaned out a little!!

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