Susie’s Friday Monthly Book Club.

Yes it is Book Club Day and I am reading a lot, as well as other jobs and work, during Lockdown.  Here is April’s Book:


This is actually Book 3 of the Blake & Avery series by M.J. Carter but the first one I have read.  I will go back and read books 1 and 2. 

Set in Victorian London, Blake is in debtors prison as he won’t  do any more investigation work for his patron, Avery is in London to try and persuade him to do so and whilst here gets himself invited to the most popular Club in town, The Reform Club.  The Chef is the famous Frenchman Alexis Soyer, and he is about to cook a large and important political dinner with foreign heads of state attending, however one of the Members who eats regularly there dies in his rooms at The Club after one of Soyer’s dinners.  Is it coincidence or deliberate? 

Avery is asked to stay at The Reform Club and investigate and he only has a few days in which to find the answers before the major dinner.  Blake refuses to help so he is left to try and find the answers.  Can he do so in time?

If you like Sherlock Holmes then you will like this book.  It is not as convoluted as Holmes but still very good following the clues.  It is available from Amazon in all forms.


We are having another lovely Spring day here in Derbyshire with the temperature reaching 21°C and tomorrow is supposed to be the same.  Sunday is due to be a little cooler but still nice so it will be garden jobs for us to do!!!!  Make the most of the sun whilst it is out.

This was our sunrise this morning at 6.15am.

Your Daily Treacle.  As she is unable to go for a Spa Day, I have modified her beard and eyebrows as they were getting very long!!! I have also given her a very good brush (she was not pleased!).  If the Lockdown goes on for much longer I will be having to get some clippers!!!!!!  Watch out Treacle!!!

I hope everyone has a lovely Easter despite the Lockdown, stay safe everyone.

Hugs & Love, Susie xx

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