What Day Is It?

With this new reality it is like being on holiday where you lose track of what day it is!!!  Our week is normally so structured with certain days are for certain tasks but at the moment they are all mixed around!!!

Not only are we having to cope with the restrictions of the current situation the news is not good for favourite events.  It is understandable that things this month and next have been cancelled but big events later in the year are now also being cancelled.


One of my favourite events has fallen to the current situation, Wimbledon is not to go ahead for the first time since WWII! They also feel that they would not be able to hold the tournament later in the year.

DH and I were due to go and see Queen + Adam Lambert in June in Birmingham for my Birthday present.  They have cancelled the whole tour but fortunately have re-arranged it for the same dates next year!

The Edinburgh International Book Festival which takes place in August has been cancelled along with the Edinburgh Fringe.  They will be back next year as there is no suggestion of holding the event later this year.

The Festival of Quilts has still not decided whether the event will go ahead, again in August.

I really do appreciate why these events have to make decisions now because of payments which are incurred like the hire of the venues, payment of staff etc but it is such a shame and obviously it does seem that people think that there will still be restrictions right up to August!

DH and I were due to head to The Highlands this Saturday but obviously have cancelled and have transferred the booking to Easter next year.  We are also due to go in August but am wondering now whether that is going to happen!!! 

However, despite what some in our media are saying, I do believe that the restrictions we are living in now are needed and are not over zealous!  One of Eldest’s friends Mom who is a nurse is now very ill and in hospital herself (she has been working all the while since the crisis started) so as far as I am concerned it is serious and we must ALL do what we can to keep ourselves, our families and everyone as safe and healthy as possible and to ease the pressure on our hospitals and their staff!

I think our Government, whoever is in power, has an unenviable task of trying to contain this horrible thing and protect us all, whilst trying to not completely cripple the country financially.  It is a “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” situation!  I also think that when it is all lifted and we start to get back to normal, we will all be rushed off our feet!!!!


As it is Thursday, I think (!), here are some #TBT pictures of previous visits to our Highland Hideaway!!!!  Enjoy and stay safe.

The view from our cottage!

2006 – Eldest was 10 and Youngest was 6.  They are standing on one of the Locks of the Caledonian Canal.

A hidden Loch away from the World!

2007 – Glen Urquhart Castle!

Foulis Castle where we stayed in 2011.

Depending upon when Easter is as you can see you can get quite a bit of snow in the Highlands in March!

Snow covered mountains.

The view from the cottage out of the back.

Have a great Thursday.

Hugs & Love Susie xx

3 thoughts on “What Day Is It?

  1. Duke – Northford, Connecticut
    Molly the Airedale

    There have been so many cancellations for so many events. It’s sad and frustrating but we must stay safe. Your Highland hideaway photos are just gorgeous!

  2. farmquilter

    I just read about Wimbledon being cancelled in the morning paper. I was put off by Federer’s reaction of “Devastated”…struck me as being a selfish response. Too many people are dying from COVID-19 and that is devastating, not playing a tennis tournament. Heck, the Olympics have been pushed off for a year and that affects more people than Wimbledon. And Wimbledon happens ever year while the Olympics happen only every 4 years! Sorry, off my soap box!! Love the pictures of the Highlands…I’m sorry you can’t go this Easter, but I’d rather have you safe at home! Looks like the bright sunshine isn’t the norm with all the men squinting into it!! Now you know what my days/weeks/months feel like!! I have no structure, except what I impose on myself. I haven’t even turned on my sewing machine in 2 weeks. I hope you are sewing too!

  3. Tami Von Zalez – Sacramento, California – Northern California blogger highlighting thrifting, quilting, and sewing.
    Tami Von Zalez

    Hi Susie, that is my youngest cat’s name. Adopted from the pound, they named her so I kept it.
    So far, a work event has been scheduled for the middle of July, and I work in health care services so I am hoping they have some insider information. Also, the website of the California State Fair posted that it is still going on the end of July into August. So we will see.

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