
1931 – 2020

Very sad news yesterday that one of my most favourite Authors, Clive Cussler, passed away aged 88.  Over the years he wrote over 80 books and in recent years worked with co-authors and as far as I am concerned is the only one to have got it right!  I have read a few co-authored books and they are just terrible and really do not stick to the style of the original stories but Mr Cussler got the right people.

I have loved all the series that he wrote and have a whole shelf of his books and can read them again and again.  In fact my January Book Club was “Shadow Tyrants” in the Oregon Files series.  We will have to wait and see if the family allow the co-Authors to carry on the writing.  Obviously family and friends will be devastated by his passing but so are his fans as the work now stops.

Mr Cussler was a master of the thriller novel and took you all over the World in his books and I am really going to miss him but thankful that I have his books to read again.

This was the first book of his I read and it just captivated me.  I then had the pleasure of going back and reading all of his novels before this and then bought each book as it was published.  In fact I still have a few to get!!!

Rest In Peace Clive and thank you for all the books.

Hugs, Susie xx

3 thoughts on “RIP!

  1. farmquilter

    I love his books, but don’t really like the co-authored ones. No one can write like CC, he was a one-of-a-kind. It is always difficult for the readers when a great author passes…we know they still had more wonderful story ideas that they never had time to write. He will definitely be missed.

  2. Judy

    I have read the first book in the Oregon series because of your review of this author and series. I loved the book and plan to read more of his books. I always think it is sad when an author you love to read passes.

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