#TBT – Goose Fair.

As we are heading into the Autumn months there are quite a few events coming up which we always do and go to as a family.  One of which is Goose Fair, which is at the beginning of October.  The last few years the weather has been very kind and it has been cold but dry.  DH and I will be going again this year, if it is not raining.  We always go as this was where we went on our first date!!!!!

So as it is Throw Back Thursday here are a few pictures of last year’s event.


One of the Big Wheels at the Fair.

The Galloping Horses, my favourite ride when I was little.

A blurry picture of the whole site from the top of the bank.

In 1284 A Charter was granted by Kind Edward I to Nottingham for its city fairs.  The name of Goose Fair comes from the time when thousands of Geese were brought into the Market Square via Goose Gate to be sold so they could be fattened up for Christmas. The Fair also had other traders, many of which were cheese merchants, as well as entertainments, hot chestnuts and spiced ale.

Obviously over the years it has transformed into lots and lots of rides with every food imaginable available including the famous mushy peas with mint sauce (not everyone’s taste but it’s like chips they smell wonderful outside!). 

DH and I like to go early and then come away early before it gets busy later on in the evening and we always go on Friday night which is when I always used to go with my Mom and Dad.  Then we always have a fish and chip supper afterwards just like my Mom and Dad did for years.  I love these traditions and it is always part of the year, although if it is pouring with rain we tend to drive past and see the lights and then have supper!!!!!! 

Happy Thursday Everyone.

Hugs, Susie xx

2 thoughts on “#TBT – Goose Fair.

  1. farmquilter

    I love the “if it’s raining, we drive past and go for fish and chips”!!! Perfect way to celebrate Goose Days when it is raining. I really think mushy peas is either something you love because you were raised on them or you just love peas in any way, shape or form. I love mushy peas being left off my plate!! I don’t like peas, except in pea salad where they are raw, so it was a good bet that I wouldn’t be loving mushy peas! At the pub in Windsor where we had lunch, the fish and chips should have been called whale and chips – huge piece of fish that extended over both sides of the platter!! How is one supposed to eat fish and chips – fingers or fork??

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