It’s Friday!


This was Treacle this morning waiting to go on her vacation!!  She is much better although she is still quiet for her, but I think the heat is also not helping as it has gone very hot and humid today but not much sun!!!! 

We got her bag packed and they were very impressed with it at the kennels!!!!

DH set up the watering system for our pots whilst we are away and although the Boys are going to be around at least I know the plants will be getting some water!!!

The strawberries and tomatoes are starting to ripen and the Boys have instructions to pick and eat them.

Finally my sweet peas have also come out and they have instructions to keep cutting them.  I am not sure the Boys will be doing this, more like the Girlfriends!!!

The fox glove is having another go at flowering.

I just have the last little bit of ironing to get done and finishing the packing and then we are all ready.  The Boys and Girlfriends are coming for dinner tonight which will be lovely to see them all. 

Thanks to all who have sent us messages of having a great vacation, we can’t wait and we don’t even care what the weather is doing, we are away.

I will be back in a fortnight but look out as there may be a couple of posts whilst we are away!!!!!!

Happy Summer Vacation Hugs,

Susie xx

3 thoughts on “It’s Friday!

  1. Duke – Northford, Connecticut
    Molly the AireGirl

    Your packed bag is just adorable, Treacle! We hope you have a wonderful time at camp – as much fun as your mom and dad have on their vacation!

  2. farmquilter

    Mom made you an awesome bag for all you necessary items when you go on vacation, Treacle. Wow, Susie, I just realized that you are only going to be 2 for this vacation…how long since the two of you were away on holiday alone? Enjoy yourselves and make great memories!!

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