The Wednesday Wag.

I have been very busy at home helping with the gardening.  Mom and Dad spent all day outside on Monday and I was busy pulling sticks out of the pile and then I heard about if you plant things they will then grow and flower so I did this and am now patiently waiting for a new tree.


I am sure I will have a tennis ball tree very soon!

There is a very good video on how to plant a tennis ball tree here :  Go check it out.

I was also very busy helping Mom with her quilting.  As you can see I did not want to see what she was working on so turned my back to the work table!

But then I just had to turn round and see what she was up to.

I did help a lot in the garden but then it was all too much and I just had to come inside and have five minutes rest!  I did sleep very well that night, all the fresh air you know!

I think Mom and Dad will be out in the garden again at the weekend so I am making sure I get plenty of sleep in before then so I can help.  It is great fun as they do stop and play tennis ball with me!!

Happy Woofy Wednesday


2 thoughts on “The Wednesday Wag.

  1. Duke – Northford, Connecticut
    Molly the AireGirl

    I noticed your tennis ball in the pot last time you posted, Treacle, and I wondered. So now we know! I”m going to ask mom if I can plant a tennis ball so it will grow a tree too!

  2. farmquilter

    I hope you get your tennis ball tree soon, Treacle. I have been busy keeping two grey squirrels out of my yard…I watch for them on the neighbor’s roof and in the trees and sometimes they even run along my fence. Whenever I see them I bark at mom until she lets me out to go get them. They never seem to want to come down to the grass, I guess they’re afraid of me! Tara

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