Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother’s Day to all my friends in the US, I hope you all have a lovely and relaxing day with your families.  We celebrate ours in March and the weather is never very good so I think we should move ours to May.  Today the weather is supposed to be nice and sunny and warm so here’s hoping.

Fliss, Lee, Evalyn and Owen came to visit yesterday and Eldest and Youngest had not met Owen yet but I managed to get some pictures of them.

Eldest with Owen who was quite happy asleep!  Dad Lee and Evalyn in the background.

Eldest, Youngest, Grandad and Owen.

Why is it that I can never get them all looking at the camera?

After everyone had left and we had tidied up DH and I went to the cinema on our own!!!  Shock, horror!!!! 

We went to see Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 and it was great fun, with some very funny bits in it, although we didn’t think the vintage music was as good as the first picture.  It was still great though.  We don’t go to the cinema much now as it is not a cheap night out anymore.  In fact it is almost as expensive as going out to eat but we thought we had to see this film on the big screen. 

If the weather co-operates we will hopefully be in the garden doing some more jobs.  I hope you are having a lovely weekend.

Hugs, Susie x


2 thoughts on “Happy Mother’s Day!

  1. Duke – Northford, Connecticut
    Molly the AireGirl

    What a wonderful picture of the boys♥ It’s raining and raw here at the moment. Hopefully it will clear. Thank you for the Mother’s Day wishes for mom, Miss Susie☺

  2. farmquilter

    Great pictures of the family!!! My how they have grown! It is sunny but cool here (50ish) but I was able to mow the lawn this morning and will be umpiring softball this evening. Thank you for the Mother’s Day wishes, my friend!!

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