The Last Baby Quilt.

The final baby quilt I made has been gifted to the expectant Mom, Donna, and she loved it.  The theme for the nursery is elephants and stars so this is the material I got.

A closer view of the fabric.  Unfortunately although we took the pictures outside they don’t do justice to the colours.  The inner border and back is actually a bright blue spot and goes well with the blue water in the elephant print.I loved the fabric and as you know elephants are one of my favourite animals.

A picture of the back.  I decided not to do a heavy free motion quilt on this but just the diamond pattern as I thought it would obsecure the pictures of the elephants otherwise.  Youngest was helping me by being the quilt holder.

I have now moved on to doing my second super secret quilt and have Youngest’s all ready to start quilting and then I will be on to Evalyns.  I will show you the fabric I have chosen for hers tomorrow.   DH is off tomorrow and we have some jobs to do and grocery shopping and then on Saturday evening we are out for dinner.  The weather is not suposed to be very good over the Easter weekend but at least it is dry but very cool.  I cannot believe the difference between one weekend and another!

I hope you are having a Thrilling Thursday!  Treacle was too lazy yesterday to do her Wednesday Wag, because of the cooler weather she has gone back into hiberation mode!!!

One upside down asleep Airedale!

Hugs, Susie x

3 thoughts on “The Last Baby Quilt.

  1. Duke – Northford, Connecticut
    Molly the AireGirl

    Oh wow! The elephant quilt is just fabulous! Love the fabric and the colors! You do such beautiful work, Miss Susie!
    You are too funny, Treacle☺

  2. farmquilter

    Don’t you hate it when your pictures don’t show the true colors?? Great quilt and you did the perfect quilting on it!! Mom and baby will cherish it forever!!! Stay warm…we had some snow/sleet last night but nothing stuck, with a hard freeze at 26 degrees this morning! Now it is sunny and 50 out there!!!

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