What a Weekend!

Image result for roger federer australian open 2017

It was a busy weekend for us, as always, but I did get to watch this match on Sunday morning!  Frankly I think these two are the best Sportsmen in the World and I think there are a lot of others who could take a leaf out of their book (including Andy Murray!).  I loved that Roger said he wished they could have drawn as they really both did deserve to win!

DH and Youngest were in London on Friday for work and did not get back until late and then Saturday he was training first thing in the morning and then Saturday evening Youngest was competing for the Club and they came third.  Sunday, all day, DH was out as President of County swimming at a local event.  I fitted in house jobs and washing and ironing.

DH and Youngest did do one job for me though on Saturday between swimming things; they bathed Treacle!  You know the film “Dances with Wolves” well Treacle was “Walk with stinks”!!!!!!!  So because she had been bathed everything of hers, two beds, three towels, teddy and her collar, were all washed!!!!!!    She smells sooooooooo much better.


If I get to design my own house one day, I would love to have a dog washing station in the Boot Room it would be definitely a necessity!  I think it is such a great idea!  Our very good friend, Farm Quilter, is able to bathe Tara in the sink as she is little but of course Treacle has to go in the bath.  You end up having a bath almost with her and then the bathroom needs a thorough clean afterwards!!!!!!  It is worth it though!


DH is away again this week on business in Scotland (I can’t go unfortunately!) and then next weekend he is announcing for the local Chinese New Year Event on Saturday evening.  However the rest of the weekend we are doing nothing, yeah!!!!

I hope you are having a Happy Monday!

Hugs, Susie x

Clean dog, clean bed, clean basket oh for all of five minutes!!!!!!!!

2 thoughts on “What a Weekend!

  1. farmquilter

    Is Treacle like Tara after a bath…she runs around the house like a cat is hiding somewhere and she needs to find it!! Not sure why she behaves in this manner, but it is a given that she will run madly after she is toweled off! I can’t use a hair dryer to get her really dry as she is terrified of it. How is the quilting coming along? I am slowly appliqueing one on my machine and even more slowly hand sewing cathedral windows on another.

  2. Duke – Northford, Connecticut
    Molly and Mackie

    That’s how it is here too, Miss Susie. The entire bathroom needs to be scrubbed down when we get a bath and because our mom is old as dirt, we never get a bath on the same day so she gets to do it twice, which makes her even happier☺

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