Now What!

Image result for cartoon broken boilers

So you know how I said the Universe has it in for me?  Well it does Big Time!  This morning DH got up early and as he does every morning went for a shower first.  He set it going and there was a clunk which sounded like one of my sewing boxes had fallen over.  He pokes his head out of the bathroom “what was that?”  I was dozing and sort of heard something.  He went to investigate and there were no lights on, on the boiler which meant no hot water!  How much more is going to go wrong?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  We have a service contract so they are coming tomorrow to hopefully fix it!

I have broken a pencil now and hopefully that will be the third thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The service engineer was also coming today to service the alarm (they come twice a year) and I had a letter to say he would be with me between 12.00noon and 4.00pm.  DH went off to work, Youngest went off to college and Treacle and I were just having a quiet five minutes with a mug of tea when the doorbell went (it was 8.15am) – the service engineer was outside!  I was not dressed!  I told him (!) that he was not supposed to be there until 12.00noon and he started to argue with me!  I sent him down to his van whilst I got dressed and phoned the head office.  I was not happy!  I did let him in eventually but I WAS NOT HAPPY!!!!!!!!

I hope everyone on the east coast of America stays safe with the approach of Hurricane Matthew and your Thursday is going better than mine!

Hugs, Susie x


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