
We have had the most glorious three days of warm sunny weather, which is unusual for May here in the UK!  Treacle has spent the three days outside from first thing in the morning until bed time which has meant she is so tired, as she is not sleeping during the day!!!!

Friday  I went to see a friend for coffee and I had helped her out with some work so she bought me these.  It was a great couple of hours catching up.

They are lovely.  I also popped up to the farm shop and saw this gang.  The lambs are getting big now.

Saturday was spent doing the garden and we have a tiny strip of land between our drive and the neighbours which needed attention.  The plants have done really well but were getting too big, so you couldn’t get past the cars to our outdoor steps, so DH and I trimmed them back and got the weeds out and put down some weed suppressant and some new stones.  It now looks so much better.

Our neighbour grows dandelions in his drive (!!!!!)

Sunday Youngest was swimming at a local competition and came second in his three races and got medals but also got PBs’ as well.  I did get some sewing done as yesterday was the hottest day and Eldest’s room is at the front of our home and the sun is on the back so it was cool in there.

Today has also been wonderfully warm so I have managed to get a set of curtains washed and then dried outside and also some winter bedding and the swimming things from yesterday.  I managed to get all my ironing done this morning while it was still cool and my work and then got to eat my lunch outside. 

Tomorrow the weather is due to go back to our normal with lots of rain and cooler temperatures :(.  We always have to make the most of the sunshine when we see it, as our weather is never the same one day to the next!

I hope your Monday is going well

Hugs, Susie x

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