Auntie “Grandma” Wright



Margaret Wright 

1927 – 2016

Sorry for lack of posts but DH’s Aunt, who was honorary Grandmother to our Boys, as theirs had all passed, passed away last week.  She was 88 and had had some health issues but was still living at home and very much with the world, looked after by her three daughters, Katherine, Judy and Elaine.   Margaret’s husband, Uncle Walt, was brother to DH’s mother. The funeral is next Tuesday. 

The above picture is of Margaret and Walt holding Eldest when he was just born.

We all saw her just before Christmas, with Judy and Elaine, and fortunately Eldest had made it to see her too which we are now very thankful for.  We had a lovely evening catching up on everyone’s news and Eldest was showing her a picture on his phone.  Whilst she had it and finished looking at the picture she started swiping the phone to look at his other pictures!!!!!  This is someone who was not used to new technology,  Eldest was amazed and jumped up to retrieve his phone before she could see something she shouldn’t!!!!!!!!!!   

I have been doing some quilting, but not a lot just trying to keep busy.  Work, of course, is always there!

I hope you are having a good Monday.

Hugs, Susie x

2 thoughts on “Auntie “Grandma” Wright

  1. farmquilter

    I am so sorry for the incredible loss you family has suffered. The hole left in your life never really goes away, but it does get easier to deal with as the years go by. Praying for your family, dear friend!

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