Girlfriend Is Leaving!

Well the week that Eldest has dreaded for a while is upon us and Girlfriend leaves to go to France for a year as part of her Uni course!  She leaves on Thursday and of course Eldest is going to visit her the following week (!) as it is also her 21st Birthday!

We are seeing them tonight to say goodbye and we will be delivering this, which is part of her Birthday gift and also a going away gift.

The front of the quilt ably held by Youngest!  I love this quilt pattern.

Girlfriend is a huge fan of Hot Pink and also Cath Kidston fabrics which is why I chose these!

A closer look at it and the quilting.

The back.

I hope she likes it!!!!!! 

It has been chaos in our house as always, with swimming and swimming committee taking up a lot of time, as well as the paying job!!!!  This weekend is busy again with Youngest going to one of his friends Birthday Bash, DH is helping to compere a Harvest Dance as well as helping Eldest with his car.  I am going to try and get some house jobs done and carry on with the million and one quilt things I have still around which need completing!

I haven’t even read any of the Blogs I follow every day, because of lack of time!!!!!  I also haven’t replied to my friends who leave lovely comments for me 🙁  I do appreciate you leaving your comments and I will get back eventually!

Next week is even more manic but I have decided not to look at my diary until after the weekend.

I hope your weekend was good and your Tuesday is going well.

Hugs, Susie x

2 thoughts on “Girlfriend Is Leaving!

  1. farmquilter

    Eldest will suffer, but it is only a year (they go by so fast at our age!) and France is close and not horribly expensive to travel to for him!! Guess he’ll be getting lots of stamps in his passport from France!!! At least she’s not going to Australia!!!

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