The Wednesday Wag On Thursday!

DSC04610Here I am in my summer coat!  Mom took me to the Spa last Friday and I had a lovely time being washed and pampered over!

It was just in time too as the weather has turned very warm here.

I can now run round with my football to my hearts content without getting too hot.

This is Mom’s new table for outside so we can all have lunch outside when it is nice and warm.

Here is a picture of me in Mom’s garden which is looking very green this year.

It is a bit chaotic here at home at the moment with everyone dashing about getting ready for the Carnival, as well as the normal evening things such as swimming and piano.  I just lie in my basket watching it all go by!!!!!  That’s why it is Wednesday Wag on Thursday as Mom was really busy on her computer yesterday, so I could not sneak on!

Hope you are having a terrific Thursday.

Woof, Treacle

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