A Busy Weekend!

It was my Birthday on Saturday and I had a great day doing not a lot!!!!  We went out for breakfast and had visitors as well and in the evening Eldest and Girlfriend came round and we had a takeaway and watched a film.  A really good day!

I had some lovely gifts too, two lots of book tokens (!), a new table for our patio, a pie funnel in the shape of a terrier, like Treacle and a new speaker for my car for my mobile phone.  Girlfriend also made me some of her lovely cupcakes.

Sunday the Boys were busy with Carnival preparations, DH also managed to get the grass cut and we managed to have lunch at the new table just before it rained!!!

We are now starting the week before carnival checking the weather every day to see if we are going to be okay for all the events or whether the weather is going to be rainy!!!!!  At the moment it is warm, with some sun and cloud but the odd chance of rain!

Tonight I will be spending two hours registering the dogs for the dog show which is next Monday!  Birthday’s are soon over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope you are have a marvelous Monday.

Hugs, Susie x

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