The Wednesday Wag!

It is very warm here at home but thundery so I am not happy, I have retreated to my basket!!!!  Mom has made an appointment for the spa on Friday so I will get some of the wool off my coat and hopefully will be a little cooler.  Mom usually tells them to cut me shorter than normal in the summer in case it gets very hot.

Mom says Wimbledon will be on soon, she is interested in the tennis players, I am interested in the tennis balls!!!!! 

I hope you are having a sunny Woofy Wednesday.


2 thoughts on “The Wednesday Wag!

  1. farmquilter

    At least your coat can be trimmed close…Sita’s is long and silky and if she is cut too short it damages her undercoat (so THEY say) so she just have to be hot! I would love to watch Wimbledon – my cousin made it to the quarter-finals in singles and semi-finals in doubles many moons ago.

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