Thank Goodness It’s Friday!

Thank goodness it’s Friday it has been a really busy week!!!!!! With DH being away, work has been busy, and then I have done all the swimming runs with Youngest.  I wasn’t going to be at swimming last night but ended up having to go in to see someone and then got caught by several people with different issues!!!!  So I was still there three hours later!  Ho hum!!!!!!

Looking forward to the weekend though.  Saturday evening the Boys Godparents are coming round for dinner. 

Sunday Youngest is swimming all day again in the last event of the County Championships!  It has been a long three weeks but there have been some great swims and it has also highlighted some things which need to be sorted out as well.

So whilst they are swimming I will be quilting!!!!!  I really need to get on with things, I am so far behind you wouldn’t believe!!!!!!

I hope everyone is having a fantastic Friday and will have a wonderful Weekend.

Quilty Hugs, Susie x

2 thoughts on “Thank Goodness It’s Friday!

  1. farmquilter

    Always crazy when you get to be a single parent!! The snow is coming down like crazy here and 75 accidents reported so far! I’m glad I don’t have to go out for a little over 5 hours…then I’m in until I head home on Sunday. Over 2,000 miles until I get home…sigh, I’m ready!

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