I Love Winter!

dsc00660.jpgYesterday in the Daily Telegraph there was an article entitled “Yes, You Can Always Be Happy”.  I always read these type of articles and then cherry pick any advice or help that they can give (or dismiss the whole thing!!!!) but the idea behind this is to keep a journal and at the end of each day write down three positive things that have happend that day.  Once done reflect (this is the most important part) on why they made you happy.  Well I thought this was a good idea as I have, in the past, dwelt on things which are not good or have not been good in the past.

In an old post I mentioned that I when I was young I always, for Christmas, had a new diary and journal and I started off in the New Year with all good intentions of writing every day and by the middle of February I had fallen by the wayside.  Now though with my blog I do find that I write something each day (mostly!!!!!)  and so this is the modern way of keeping a journal.  It is great fun to go back and read old posts and see what we have all been up to.  So today I am going to write down my three positive things about today which made me happy.

1) Playing Christmas music in my Jeep!  Yes I have already put in my Christmas’ CD’s and I am loving the Christmas music!

2) It is a sunny Winter’s day today and that made me happy.  I love Winter I really do and it would be nice to know that we would have some snow this year (although they are forecasting lots of rain for Britain again this Winter 🙁 ) I love that it gets dark early and you can close the curtains and put the lights on and feel all cosy inside. 

3) I am organised today, in my work and home and in my mind!  I like to be tidy and my Boys accuse me of being Monica from Friends, who was renowned for being extremely tidy and obsessive about cleaning, well they are right.  I hate it when things are in a mess, I have to be tidy.  I have just cleaned the fridge and freezer out and my next job is to clean the cooker, top and bottom ovens!!! But I am getting things done and ticked off one of my endless lists!!!!

So those are my happy thoughts today and they do make me happy.  Of course DH, The Boys and Treacle always make me happy.  As do the wonderful people who take time to comment on my posts.  There are a few ladies, who comment regularly, who I am getting to know through email and their comments and emails really do lift my heart.  You know who you are and I am sending big hugs to you all!

36 Days Left Until Christmas!

Yes only 36 days left and then it will be only a month to go!!!!  On Friday I will be getting the last of the Christmas Presents and then I need to get my wrapping done!!!! Oh my!  Also the Christmas cards are ready for writing too.

Another Kitchen picture – Love the decor

At the weekend we are only doing the normal things, nothing extra, so I am hoping to get lots done!

Hope your Tuesday is going well.

Hugs, Susie x

4 thoughts on “I Love Winter!

  1. farmquilter

    Tuesday is going great here!! Yesterday was a very production day – defrosted the last freezer and now all four of my freezers are organized and I can easily find what I need and what I need to buy!! Love it!! I also finished quilting a quilt – I had donated my quilting as a prize in a quilt block drive for Quilts of Valor – the quilt is in the box and I’ll go to town tomorrow and send it off to it’s owner (hope she likes it!). I need to run back upstairs and put another customer quilt on the frame as I would like to get it finished before our Thanksgiving next week! I certainly could use you to come over for a long visit and get my whole house neat and tidy!!! Three floors are just too much to keep up with!

  2. Duke – Northford, Connecticut
    Mitch and Molly

    We love your header picture, Miss Susie! The Christmas lights are one of the best parts of this season. We agree with you- the light do make it happy and cozy! We love the winter too – as long as the temps are not extreme!

  3. Kathy h

    I thought I was the only one who liked winter. I love the looks of the bare trees against a beautiful blue sky and when we have to stay in because it is dark out, I find it very cozy too and it seems to be more family time available.

  4. Lara B.

    Hi Susie! This is very good advice. A few people might wonder if it is a mere bandaid, but if you make a habit of it, finding three things to be thankful for every day can really lift you up, even when times are hard.
    I adore that kitchen in your photo!

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