Festival of Quilts

This is what I did yesterday!  Saturday turned out lovely and sunny and warm so it was a great day to get jobs done, especially in the garden.  I think everyone had the same idea as yesterday the Quilt show was realllllllly busy, but last year the Sunday was quiet!!!!!

I must warn you this post is picture heavy!!! I only took pictures of the quilts I really loved, which is probably not what my readers want but there were 100s’ of quilts!  So here goes….  they are in no particular order just as I came upon them.

DSC03905 I Love these style of quilts and there always seems to be one in every show.

I love this quilt and the colours

I love the colours in this one, muted but still colourful

lovely and bright

As you can see I love the traditional quilts

Two mini quilts but the pictures didn’t turn out well.

The Boys would love this one!

I don’t normally like art quilts but this one was stunning!

I loved this one for its whimsey

You guessed it the colours, amazing.

There were a couple regarding the Centenary of the Great War this was stunning.

I loved this as it felt ethereal.

Now you know I LOVE Elephants and this quilt was 3D.  If I could, I would have sneaked it right out of there!

The second Memorial Quilt for The Great War.

Love this cotton reel quilt

This was a postage stamp quilt and was just amazing that this quilter had the patience to sew these tiny squares together.

I took this because I loved the red but I also thought that I worry so much when my blocks are wonky and this was in the competition!

This was another quilt I could have sneaked out.  I just love that snowy scene.

This was amazing

Now this was the winner of Best in Show and I am sure there are lots of people who loved it.  I personally don’t!

This was the winner of Quilt Creations but as far as I am concerned should have won the Best In Show. It was a fully working grandfather clock made of quilted things and I loved it.

In the left hand picture there are books and the pendulum which was ticking away and the face with the hands moving.

A close up of the side of the face

Here is the details of the Clock.

I had a great time wandering around the show and then looking at all the stalls, although they all seemed to have notices on about no pictures.  I managed to pick up some material and a pattern I fancied, but I will show you those tomorrow.  I didn’t do any of the Workshops as there was nothing which caught my fancy but they were all busy.  I was also glad we were inside as it was pouring with rain in the morning as Britain caught the tail end of Hurricane Bertha, fortunately it was her last gasp, so not too much damage, just a lot of water!!!!!

Pop back tomorrow to see what I bought.

Hope you are having a merry Monday.

Hugs, Susie x

2 thoughts on “Festival of Quilts

  1. Duke – Northford, Connecticut
    Mitch and Molly

    The grandfather clock is unbelievable! What a masterpiece! Love the spools of threads and I love the snowy scene too. I can’t choose a favorite! What a fun show ☺

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