The Wednesday Wag


Mom says she doesn’t know where the week and weekend went.  I do I was busy playing with all my new toys!

Today is a lovely warm, sunny day and the back door is open and I can run in and out as I please, but Mom has hidden all my toys, as I take them outside and then they get wet and horrible and I am then not allowed to bring them back in.  I do, however, bring the old toys in which Mom is not pleased about either.

I still have my Birthday scarf on.  Here I am in my sunny garden.  Mom has been taking pictures of all the flowers coming out now

The wisteria

The columbine, so pretty and delicate.

The blue forget-me-nots  I love these little blue flowers so cute.  We planted these in memory of Kelly, my sister Airedale.

Kelly and I, when I was a baby!

Hey Mom this is my Wag, not show your garden off!!!! Hmph!

I hope you are all having a sunny, warm day, Its beginning to feel like summer!

Woof, Treacle

1 thought on “The Wednesday Wag

  1. Duke – Northford, Connecticut
    Mitch and Molly

    You look just beautiful in your bandana, Treacle! We love the picture of you and your sissy ♥

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

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