The Wednesday Wag

Well last Sunday was Groundhog Day and Punxsutawney Phil came out of his home and saw his shadow so that means we have six more weeks of winter!  

Well our winter has been a wet one this year and it is raining heavily again and I am not a happy Treacle today at all.  This is where I have spent the whole day

Mom has been busy all day today at her desk and she has not had a good day at all.  She was getting very cross with one person on the phone!  I stuck my paws in my ears!!!!!!

The Boys are home and they are busy with work, so I have retired to my bed again as it is too wet to go outside and play.

Hopefully Dad will be home soon and I can play with him.   I can’t wait for spring and the better weather!!!!!

I hope your Wednesday is better than here!!!!!



1 thought on “The Wednesday Wag

  1. Duke – Northford, Connecticut
    Mitch and Molly

    We have a foot of snow here, Treacle, but it’s all ice-crusted so it’s slick and not fun to play in at all! We were snoozing a lot today, just like you are.

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

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