Christmas is Sneaking up!!

Who wouldn’t want a room like this at Christmas?  Yes that time of year is sneaking up on us and fast!  Youngest went back to school this week after a lovely lazy week off where we did hardly anything and there are officially now seven weeks to go before the start of the Festive Season!

I find that the pressures of the season really begin when they go back to school in September after the long summer holiday.  The Christmas catalogues start popping through the door and they manage to sneak a few Christmas shows on the TV!  The Boys activities start again for the Autumn sessions and the weeks fly by and before we know it, its October half term and then only seven weeks to go!

Whilst they were off it was Halloween and Bonfire Night.  This year obviously Youngest felt he was far too old to go Trick or Treating so he was going to give out the sweets to our spooky visitors.  He then went out with DH for the day to work and because of traffic didn’t get home until 9.00pm!  Eldest decamped to swimming club for the night so I was left to open the door and hand out the goodies!  Some of the costumes this year were amazing and the children/parents had worked hard on them. It was a busy evening and I was shattered by the end of it!

Guy Fawkes

“Remember, remember the 5th of November, gunpowder, Treason & Plot” The old saying from our school days to remind us of when Guy Fawkes tried to blow up Parliament and the King!  When I was little and lived at home one of our neighbours were called “Fawkes” and I always thought they were talking about the Dad!!!  Girlfriend and her family came round for dinner and we let some fireworks off between the showers of heavy rain!

If only the pool was like this!!!

Last weekend was our first part of the swimming club’s Championships and both boys did really well, with Eldest just missing out on a Championship record but he is going for another at the next Championships at the end of the month.  Monday was the swimming club AGM and we have had a few issues this year which meant that Monday could have been quite stressful.  As it turned out things went a little better than we all thought, but it now means that DH is Chairman again (!) and I am now Secretary!!!!  Hmm how do we get ourselves into these things!!  I then had a two hour meeting on Wednesday regarding the swimming quality standard which we are applying for and I had a headache by the end of it!Hopefully I will get to Christmas Shop here one day!

Tuesday I went Christmas shopping and got most of it done, I still need to get some things and those elusive little presents which go in the stockings, table presents, crackers etc which I think always take more time than the big presents. 

Today was supposed to be home day and get jobs done but I ended up sitting down at my desk and that was it!  I spent the whole day working so tomorrow will have to be home day and all the other jobs I need to get done too.  The weekend is going to be frantic as Friday we have our Small Pool Championships and immediately afterwards the Party for all Small Pool Swimmers, all 124 of them!

Saturday evening we are hosting the second round of the Arena League which we swim in (we only found out a week and a half ago we were hosting!!!) so that will be a long night.

Sunday is Remembrance Sunday so Youngest will be on duty at the village church for the service with the Scouts and DH and Eldest are helping out at another service where we swim. Then it will be Monday before we know it!!

After dropping Youngest off this morning at school I called at our local Starbucks for one of these! I needed it after this week and before the weekend to come!  I love this time of year but sometimes I feel that all the running around, planning, cooking, wrapping just gets too much and at least once before Christmas I will threaten to cancel the whole thing!!!!!  I love making Christmas special for the family but oh boy its hard work making those memories!!!!!   So the next few weeks I will be surviving on very little sleep, making endless lists (which I inevitably lose and have to redo!!!!) and lots and lots of the above!!!!!!

47 Days and Counting!

Hope you have a Thrilling Thursday.

PS.  Treacle’s fine by the way, she is just having a quiet time at the moment!  It’s because the weather has turned cold and she is very reluctant to go out!!!!  She spends all day in her basket next to my desk and only appears for her breakfast, lunch and dinner!!!!  This morning I got out the shower to find her snuggled into the quilt on our bed!  When I tried to move her to make it she refused (its surprising how heavy an Airedale can become when they don’t want to move!). 

Waiting for her lunchtime biscuit!

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