Madness I say, Madness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On to more interesting things now!!!!

Yes it is that time of year when we get into the Madness and craziness of busy, busy, busy!  On Sunday our week long Carnival in the village begins with the crowning of the Carnival Queen and picnic on the park. 

Of course our family never does just one thing, oh know.  Friday day I have to get the baking done for the Dog Show refreshments for Monday evening.  Friday night DH and Youngest are helping to clear the field for the duck race and I have to go and pick up Eldest from the airport after his week away with Girlfriend (by the way don’t tell anyone but so far in the week away he has managed to jump in the sea with his mobile phone in his pocket, not now working and get stung by a jelly fish, four times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) 

On Saturday one of the things I am doing is going to this :

Derbyshire, Pentrich DE5 3RE
29 – 30 June
‘All Stitched Up’ an exhibition of quilts and stitchery by Pentrich Patchers at Pentrich Village Hall, Main Road, Pentrich. Open 10 – 4.
Sales and fabric trader. Tombola in aid of Breast Cancer Care. Admission £1

Saturday evening is a swimming gala.  Sunday is Crowing Sunday then :

Monday 1st : Dog Show and Junior Football

Tuesday 2nd : Treasure Hunt and Senior Football

Wednesday 3rd : Duck Race

Thursday 4th : Wild, Wet & Wacky Competition

Friday 5th : Set Up Day

Saturday 6th : Carnival Day

If that isn’t enough fun, on Sunday 7th July it is our Swimming Club’s Open so we will be at the swimming pool from about 7.00am until 5.00pm!!!!  I think by Monday the 8th I will be curled up in a small ball in a very dark room!!!!

It is fun and The Boys have a great time but sometimes DH and I feel a little overwhelmed with how fast the days go by and everything which needs to be done!

By the time Carnival is over it will only be two weeks before Youngest has finished school for the summer which will be great.  We are going away for the first two weeks of the summer holidays this year as we have to get back for the exam results (insert nervous laugh here, bordering on hysteria!!!!)

But I am in seventh heaven at the moment as yesterday Wimbledon began, with the biggest shock being Rafael Nadal being knocked out in the first round!  

Anyway I have rushed through my work this morning, ministered to poorly/sick Youngest who is off school with a cold and temperature, so I can sit down with lunch and the start of Wimbledon today!!!!  It is sunny and warm here today as well, do you know I think summer is here for a little while!!!!

Have a thrilling Tuesday.

Susie x

Treacle loves Wimbledon but just for the Tennis Balls!!!!!

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