Wednesday Wag Hijacked!

Treacle usually hijacks my Blog on a Wednesday but I have turned the tables on her today because at the end of May it was her Fifth Birthday!!!!!!

So I thought I would share with you some pictures which you may or may not have seen before to celebrate her Birthday and our five wonderful years with her.

One of the first pictures we have at home with her!

The Three Musketeers!

Starting to grow!

Youngest and his Dog!

Our Wonderful Kelly and Treacle

Growing up.

My most favourite picture of the two of them!  Kelly on the left and Treacle on the right!

This morning!  Don’t disturb me I am tired!

She is also getting a bit shy about having her picture taken!

I am trying to get a good picture of her and her quilt so we can enter the Pets On Quilts this year over at Lily Pad Quilting (we missed out last year) but she keeps turning away!  Perhaps I have taken too many pictures of her!!!!!!

Treacle is a lovely dog, she has a very sweet nature, loves to play with other dogs, although small dogs make her a bit nervous.  She loves The Boys very much and DH and when they are at home I don’t get a look in.

Her basket is next to me where I sit and work all day and also when I am sewing.  She always gets in her basket when I sit down at my desk  and when I get up she follows me round.

She does have a mischievous streak and sometimes will not come in out of the garden no matter how many times you call her!  All our Airedales have been fantastic pets and I love having Treacle in the house.

So Happy 5th Birthday Treacle, we love you.

Susie x

1 thought on “Wednesday Wag Hijacked!

  1. kathy h

    Happy birthday Treacle. Hope you got some extra treats for your birthday. Thanks for sharing the pictures. I enjoy them so much.

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