Busy Weekend


It has been a busy weekend.  Friday evening we were all at home for dinner and it was so nice we ate outside, although it did drop cold after the sun went down.  DH had to go to a swimming meeting, as there are one or two issues happening at the moment and Friday evening was the only night they were all available.

The Boys and DH had their hair cut on Saturday morning, which gave me an excuse to get on with some quilting, which I can’t show you just yet.  Saturday night it was just us for dinner and we got a takeaway and were naughty and watched TV whilst eating dinner.  We all love watching Counting Cars, about Counts Kustoms in Las Vegas and Lizard Lick Towing great programs and good fun.  

Sunday I got up early and left them all in bed, including Treacle, and again got on with my quilting projects.  The one I can’t show you is finished and wrapped and I have completed three more blocks of Eldest’s quilt.  It is getting there as they say.

Tonight the Boys and DH are at swimming and they are running time trials and I have a huge basket of ironing to do before Monday and we all start back at work and school.  Eldest is in the midst of tiding his room, putting away his school books in the attic and generally tidying up.  Although the mess he is creating to do this is something to see, but I am not interfering.  His next task is to do his wardrobe and get out the clothes he wants to take away on holiday, so I can make sure they are clean and ironed, not the night before he goes!!!!!!

I have been watching the French Open Tennis finals whilst sewing and it has been great.  Next week sees the start of the grass court season and in two weeks time Wimbledon, my most favourite time of the year!!!  Roll on tennis, champagne, strawberries and cream.

Hope you have had a wonderful weekend.

Susie x

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