


We have been busy in the garden today.  The last few days which have been warm and sunny and some rain has done wonders for the garden.  

As it has been the coldest Spring in fifty years the plants have still been tucked up, but have now bloomed.  DH and I have managed to finish most of the tidying work and just have one small area left at the side and the end of the garden to tidy and then it is done, 

It is supposed to be warm and sunny for most of the week so hopefully we will be able to get some more done.  Although I am wary that this is it for summer and after this week it will be dreadful again, which has happened in the past.  So I am keeping everything crossed that this weather will continue!

Treacle loves being outside and often we can’t get her in at night!

Yesterday Youngest had a friend over for a sleepover and we went to the movies to see Fast and Furious 6 and it really is a good film, they loved it.  We came home for pizza and chips and then they were off playing on the computer for a while, as it had gotten dark and cool!

Tomorrow they are back to school and Eldest has his last two exams for his A’ Levels on Monday and Tuesday mornings and then it is just the nervous wait until the results in August!!!  Oh my!  I do hope I survive the strain!!!!!!

DH is at an exhibition all week so that will mean early starts and late finishes 🙁  Never mind it will soon be the weekend again!!!!

Hope you have a wonderful week.

Susie x

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