Half Way There

I have managed to finish half of my work, so I am getting there!  The rest can be done tomorrow as it is now getting on for the Boys coming home, getting homework done, piano practice done and then off to Tennis for Youngest and Swimming for Eldest, oh and fit in preparing and eating dinner somewhere in all that!
Wimbledon should be longer than two weeks!
I am in seventh heaven at the moment as Wimbledon has started.  So far we haven’t had too many rain delays!
On Saturday last Eldest went down to the racetrack for a 4 x 4 experience we had bought him last year after completing his exams.  He had a great time, learned a few more things about driving.  Youngest and Girlfriend came too and afterwards we had lunch at Pizza Hut.
Here are some pictures of the day.
Getting the controls sorted, this was an automatic, first time he had driven one.


Starting off slow and slight hill.


I have to go down there?  Not quite vertical but getting that way!


Always good to play in water.


Don’t get it stuck!


You can swim if we do get stuck?  Can he swim Ha!!!!


Safely out!


I want one!!!!!!!


Heading into the woods.


Another hill!


 Susie x

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