My Garden

Over the last few days it has been so warm, like May really, that the garden has started to bloom.  My only worry is that if it turns cold again, which they are forecasting, then all the plants that have come out are going to be ruined.
Some of the plants have been very sensible and not got going yet so will hopefully be okay.
Here are a few pictures of what is out at the moment.  Also the Blue-tits are extremely busy in the bird box in the cherry tree we have at the top of the garden. 
No quilting in the last few days as I have had lots of work to do and trying to get the house tidy before we take our vacation over the Easter break.  
It may be a little hit and miss with posts as we are not in an area which is good for Internet connection.  But I will be quilting.  We are off on Saturday and cannot wait.
Happy Friday and quilting.
Susie x
These are my Christmas Roses but they always flower now!

This is the Ribes flowering.  It is such a bright pink.

This is the Forsythia bush which has come out this week.

My winter pansies which are going strong with the warm weather.

My Red Mason Bees home they will soon be hatching and in fact a few already have with the warm weather.

This is my small container where we grow a few vegetables but I put winter pansies in just for colour.

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