Sad Face :(


I don’t know what I am going to do; my sewing machine is poorly!  

It has been rushed to the sewing machine hospital and may take a week to come back, eek!!!!

I am going to have quilting withdrawal symptoms!  I was busy quilting my table topper and it started to make a grinding noise and when I took it in, the repair guy doesn’t know what it can be!!!!!  He is going to service it anyway and hope he finds something whilst he is doing that.  I just hope it comes back all repaired soon.  

This always happens just as I was getting on well.  The next quilt I need to do is our quilt which has been sandwiched since last August and I just haven’t got around to doing it.  Then I need to start on Eldest’s quilt so that by the time he goes to University in September 2013 he can take it with him!  I was going to get it cut out this weekend but I think I will have to put that on hold.

For all you other Quilters out there have a great quilting weekend, think about lonely old me not quilting when you are!

Susie x

2 thoughts on “Sad Face :(

  1. Susie Q

    I hope the machine is fixed quickly too, its only two years old, so out of warranty of course but the repair guy didn't seem very hopeful! I don't have room to have a spare machine, as I know some quilters do. I am waiting for Eldest to move out for good and then I can have his old room as a sewing room! He says that I will take over as soon as he goes away to college but I won't do that. Have a great weekend Marj, fuss Chipper and Scotty for me. Susie x

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