Car Shows

It goes with the territory of having Boys that you end up going to classic car shows!  Whilst we were away there was a classic car show at Brodie Castle and I can honestly say I have never seen so many cars, bikes and buses.  It was really good.  The Boys were in heaven and arguing about which cars were the best.  Here are a few pictures we took out of 70!!!  Good job we have digital cameras these days and don’t have to get prints made any more.
Have a lovely weekend, I am going to try and get some quilting done this weekend.  Eldest is off to Queen Mary Uni in London with DH on Saturday and I have Youngest at home and  Sunday we hope to get the garden done before winter sets in!!!! It’s getting colder…….
Susie x
The evergreen Mini

The original pick up!

Jeeps, don’t you love them

What a great colour!

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